The Messiah Isa - Son of Maryam - The Complete Truth 2 C

The Messiah Isa – Son of Maryam: The Complete Truth

By: Ali Mohammad al-Sallabi

Comprehensive exploration of the life and significance of Jesus (Isa) in Islam.

This scholarly work delves into the Quranic and Hadith sources to present a detailed account of Jesus’ life, his miraculous birth, his role as a prophet, and his anticipated return.

The book aims to clarify common misconceptions and provide a thorough understanding of Jesus’ place in Islamic theology. It serves as an essential resource for Muslims and non-Muslims alike, fostering deeper interfaith understanding and knowledge.


Dr. Ali Mohammad al-Sallabi begins by emphasizing Jesus’ esteemed position in Islamic theology. Jesus, known as Isa in Arabic, is regarded as one of the greatest prophets and messengers of God. The book highlights his miraculous birth to the Virgin Mary (Maryam), a key event that signifies his special status in Islam.

Miraculous Birth and Early Life

The book provides an in-depth account of Jesus’ miraculous birth, detailing how Maryam was chosen and purified by God. It explores the Quranic verses and Hadiths that describe the angel Gabriel’s announcement to Maryam and the miraculous nature of Jesus’ birth, reinforcing the Islamic view of Jesus as a divinely chosen prophet.

Jesus’ Prophethood and Miracles

A significant portion of the book is dedicated to Jesus’ prophethood and the miracles he performed. Dr. al-Sallabi discusses the various miracles attributed to Jesus, such as healing the sick, restoring sight to the blind, and raising the dead, all by God’s permission. These miracles are presented as signs of his prophethood and evidence of God’s power.

Jesus as the Messiah

The book delves into the title of Jesus as the Messiah (Al-Masih) in Islam. It explains the meaning of this title and its significance within the Islamic tradition, contrasting it with the Christian understanding of the Messiah. Dr. al-Sallabi clarifies that while Jesus is revered as the Messiah, Islam rejects the notion of his divinity.

Jesus’ Ascension and Second Coming

Dr. al-Sallabi discusses the Islamic belief in Jesus’ ascension to heaven and his anticipated return. The book provides detailed explanations of the Quranic and Hadith references to Jesus’ ascension and the events that will precede his second coming. This eschatological aspect is crucial to understanding Jesus’ role in Islamic theology.

Maryam’s Role and Virtue

The book also highlights the virtuous life of Maryam, the mother of Jesus. Dr. al-Sallabi emphasizes her piety, purity, and significant role in Islamic history. This section reinforces the respect and honor accorded to Maryam in Islam.

Clarifying Misconceptions

Throughout the book, Dr. al-Sallabi addresses common misconceptions about Jesus in Islam. He provides clear and scholarly responses to questions regarding Jesus’ crucifixion, his divine status, and his role in the Christian faith. This effort aims to foster better understanding and dispel any false notions about Islamic beliefs.


The Messiah Isa – Son of Maryam: The Complete Truth by Dr. Ali Mohammad al-Sallabi is a vital resource for understanding the Islamic perspective on Jesus. Through detailed exploration of Quranic and Hadith sources, the book provides a comprehensive account of Jesus’ life, prophethood, and his esteemed position in Islam. It clarifies misconceptions and promotes interfaith dialogue, making it essential for anyone seeking to deepen their knowledge of Jesus in the Islamic tradition. This scholarly work fosters greater respect and cooperation between Muslims and Christians by highlighting the commonalities and addressing the differences in their beliefs about Jesus.