Reciting Shahada is the declaration that “I bear witness that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah, and prophet Muhammed is his messenger. So, the person who wants to say it needs to believe in its meanings and indications like:
1. (For the first part from the Shahada)
– Allah is the only God, and whatever the people worship with him isn’t the true God (including Jesus, Buddha, Krishna or whatever you worshipped before).
– Allah is the Creator who created everything around us.
– Allah controls and rules everything in the universe. He is the sustainer.
2. (For the first part from the Shahada)
You bear witness that Prophet Muhammed is the messenger of God.
Maybe you don’t know everything about prophet Muhammed, but this declaration indicates the belief that Allah sent prophets, a human receives a revelation from Allah and delivers it to the people.
Also, you should know there are some obligatory acts you need to do like the five prayers and fasting some days of the year, giving a specific small percentage of money as a charity, and making pilgrim ones a life.
And that’s it.
You don’t need to know everything about Islam before reciting the shahada.
The first duty is Shahada, and after that, you will begin a journey of learning that will give you all the knowledge you need.
现在就说 Shahada
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