البدايات والأسئلة:
Christ Raja was born into a Christian family in a small village in Tamil Nadu, South India. He grew up in an environment that reinforced Christian faith, memorising teachings that emphasised that profound love for Christ was the only way to heaven. Mohammed, as he renamed himself after converting to Islam, says, “From a young age, I loved Christianity and Christ deeply. The priests taught me that those who do not love Christ will not enter paradise.”
A Crucial Encounter with a Muslim Scholar:
One day, Christ Raja met a Muslim scholar, which became a turning point in his life. Mohammed recounts, “I met a Muslim scholar and saw an opportunity to discuss various matters related to Islam and Christianity. He challenged me by saying, ‘You will not find anything in the Quran that contradicts reason or nature.’ This challenge drove me to read the Tamil translation of the meanings of the Quran.”
Discovering the Truth:
Mohammed continues, “I read the Tamil translation of the meanings of the Quran twice and realised that Islam is the true religion and that Christianity has been altered. So, I embraced Islam.” After announcing his conversion to Islam, Mohammed faced many challenges from his community. He says, “They looked at me with ridicule, saying I had gone mad, and laughed at me for growing a beard after being used to shaving.”
Dialogue with the Community:
Mohammed endured all these challenges with patience and strong faith. He narrates, “At first, I felt lonely and challenged, but I read in the Quran the stories of the prophets and messengers enduring pain and hardships to deliver the message. That gave me strength and patience.”
Family Support and Impact of His Preaching:
Mohammed’s wife and three of his children, along with some friends, converted to Islam. He says, “My wife was initially hesitant, but after seeing the change in my life and reading the Quran, she decided to embrace Islam. This had a significant impact on our family life.”
Working in Da’wah:
Mohammed now works as a preacher at the Centre for New Muslim Converts under the Society of Ahlul Quran and Hadith in Tamil Nadu. He says, “I travel through villages and cities on foot, meeting people individually and in groups, calling them to Islam, clarifying the falsehoods of their religion, and striving to deliver the translation of the meanings of the Quran to every non-Muslim.”
التحديات اليومية:
Mohammed recounts, “I face different challenges daily, including strange looks and hurtful words, but I endure all this knowing I am on the path of truth. I was a priest and have deep knowledge of Christianity, which helps me in dialogues with Christians and showing them the truth.”
His Message to Muslims:
Mohammed sends a message to Muslims, saying, “The future belongs to Islam. Many hearts in this region are waiting for the opportunity to embrace Islam. Muslims bear a great responsibility and must first represent the true image of Islam and continuously engage in Da’wah, making every effort to introduce Islam to non-Muslims.”
Hopes and Advice:
Mohammed concludes by saying, “I hope Muslims can spread Islam with wisdom and good advice. We must all cooperate in supporting Islamic preaching and presenting Islam in its true, beautiful image. Finally, I say that Muslims are responsible before Allah for the delay in my conversion to Islam. I remained ignorant of Islam for over thirty years because Muslims failed to invite me to Islam and explain its meanings. I fear that on the Day of Judgment, everyone will stand before Allah and say the same thing I am saying now.”
Through these details and dialogues, the journey of Christ Raja from a Christian priest to a devoted Islamic preacher is highlighted, showcasing the power of Islam and its ability to attract hearts seeking the truth.