In a world filled with turmoil and challenges, humans always seek a meaning for their existence and a purpose for their lives. Belief in God (Allah Almighty), as presented by Islam, provides this meaning and grants life a spiritual dimension that enhances inner peace and tranquillity.
Belief in God in the Quran
Islam calls for belief in one God, the Creator of the universe and its affairs. God (Allah Almighty) says in Surah Al-Ikhlas: “Say, ‘He is Allah, [who is] One, Allah, the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born, nor is there to Him any equivalent.'” (Al-Ikhlas: 1-4, King Fahd Complex Translation).
These verses clearly express the oneness of God (Allah Almighty) and are an invitation to contemplate the greatness of the Creator, who is unlike any human. God (Allah Almighty) also says in Surah Al-Baqarah: “Allah – there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of existence.” (Al-Baqarah: 255, King Fahd Complex Translation).
God (Allah Almighty) is the only living entity that never dies, who manages the affairs of the entire universe, reinforcing the idea of God’s (Allah Almighty’s) absolute divinity.
Belief in God in Prophetic Traditions
Belief in God (Allah Almighty) is not just an idea but a commitment reflected in a Muslim’s daily life. Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Faith has over seventy branches, the most excellent of which is the declaration that there is no deity but Allah…” (Sahih Muslim).
This hadith highlights that belief in God (Allah Almighty) is the foundation upon which the rest of the pillars of faith are built, and it is the primary support for the Muslim’s spiritual life.
Why is Belief in God Important?
Belief in God (Allah Almighty) gives life a deeper meaning. In a world full of changes and problems, belief in God (Allah Almighty) provides humans with peace and confidence that there is a greater power managing the universe and caring for them. This belief enhances the feeling of safety and tranquillity, as the believer realises that God (Allah Almighty) is always present, hears their prayers, and sees their suffering.
Impact of Belief in God on Daily Life
Belief in God (Allah Almighty) is not just a theoretical belief but a way of life. A Muslim who believes in God (Allah Almighty) strives to live in a way that reflects the values of this belief. They become more honest, just, and compassionate, knowing that God (Allah Almighty) watches their actions. This awareness plants humility in the soul and motivates the person to help others and avoid injustice.
The Call to Believe in God
The call to believe in God (Allah Almighty) is an invitation to every person searching for truth and tranquillity in their life. Islam invites people to contemplate the creation of God (Allah Almighty) and reflect on the universe and the human soul. God (Allah Almighty) says: “We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth.” (Fussilat: 53, King Fahd Complex Translation).
This verse encourages people to ponder and reflect on the greatness and power of the Creator, which can lead them to belief in God (Allah Almighty).
Belief in God (Allah Almighty) is the fundamental pillar of a Muslim’s life, giving life meaning and purpose. It is the foundation upon which everything in Islamic creed is built and what Islam calls everyone to. Belief in God (Allah Almighty) brings tranquillity and peace to life, motivates individuals to do good, and keeps them away from evil. It is an open invitation to every person seeking truth and meaning in this vast universe.