Beginning and Questions:
Abdullah Ibrahim, formerly known as Mil Waldegrges, was a priest in the Catholic Church, known for his zeal for Christianity and dedication to spreading it. Born in Ethiopia and holding Eritrean citizenship, Abdullah says, “The numerous contradictions in Christianity made me doubt my role as a priest advocating the true gospel. However, the Quranic narrative about Jesus and the great respect Islam has for him made me question the conflicting narratives of Christian sects and lean towards Islam’s stance on him (peace be upon him).”
He describes the pivotal moment in his transformation to Islam: “I found an old copy of the Bible in the Ethiopian church, which stated, ‘And a messenger will come after me whose name is Ahmed, follow him.’ This copy was completely contrary to what the priests were saying. This discovery prompted me to delve deeper into Islam. I knew that this step could change my life completely, but it was necessary to find the truth.”
The Search for Truth:
Abdullah says, “I began studying Islam seriously. I read the Quran and Hadith, and found that Islam is a complete and balanced religion. Islam’s message was clear and direct, while Christianity was full of contradictions. I remember the nights I spent thinking and researching, trying to understand which religion was the true one. I read the Quran and felt an inner peace and tranquillity that I had never felt before.”
Challenges and Confrontation:
The decision to leave his previous life as a priest was extremely difficult. Abdullah says, “I enjoyed many privileges: furnished housing, a luxury car, a special passport, and a large salary. But I realised that the truth must come above all else. After embracing Islam, I faced many difficulties. I lost all these privileges and was subjected to numerous harassments. But I found strength in my faith in Allah and the support of the new Muslim community I had become a part of.”
Dialogue with Priests:
One day, the senior priest of the church came to visit him after learning about his conversion to Islam. He said to Abdullah in a tone of surprise, “What made you leave Christianity?” Abdullah calmly replied, “I found the truth in Islam. The Quran answers all my questions without contradictions.” The priest tried to convince him to return to Christianity, but he couldn’t respond to Abdullah’s questions about the contradictions in the Bible. In the end, the priest said, “We will pray for you to return to your senses.” Abdullah felt sorry that they still hadn’t seen the truth.
After settling into his new life as a Muslim, Abdullah decided to dedicate his life to inviting others to Islam. Abdullah says, “I felt it was my duty to introduce people to Islam and its great essence. More than forty Christians have converted to Islam through me. I saw this as a great blessing and an opportunity to serve the true religion.”
The Future of Islam in Africa:
Abdullah says, “I am optimistic about the future of Islam in Africa, despite the many challenges facing Islamic preaching. There is a clear lack of preachers, and some Islamic governments do not support preaching adequately. Nevertheless, Islam is spreading across the continent. We need Muslims worldwide to unite and support Islamic preaching. Debates and dialogues between Islamic scholars and priests can be very effective if they seek the truth and the Muslim debater is well-versed in Islam and Christian doctrines.”
“My message to Muslims is to unite and cooperate in supporting the call to Islam and conveying it to others. We must show the true and bright image of Islam and uncover the hidden truths. Islam is a religion of peace and justice, and we must reflect this in our daily interactions. I hope we can be good role models for others and be a reason for many to be guided to the straight path.”
With these details and dialogues, the journey of Eritrean priest Abdullah Ibrahim from a zealous priest to a dedicated Islamic preacher is highlighted, showcasing the power of Islam and its ability to attract hearts seeking the truth.