Beginnings and Upbringing:
Aldo Demeris was born in Sri Lanka and raised in a devout Christian family, which led him to delve deeply into the study of Christianity from an early age. With his university qualifications in economics and commerce, he got the opportunity to work in Saudi Arabia, where his journey towards Islam began.
Misconceptions and Change:
Aldo initially believed that Muslims were idolaters who worshipped the moon due to their keen observation of the crescent moon at the beginning of each lunar month. This misconception was completely unfounded and resulted from his upbringing in a devout Christian environment. He initially didn’t understand that this practice was crucial for determining the start of Islamic months for performing religious duties such as fasting and pilgrimage at the correct times.
Impressed by Islamic Conduct:
Upon arriving in Saudi Arabia, Aldo was struck by the sight of shops closing and people heading to mosques for prayer at the call of the Adhan. Aldo remarks, “This scene captivated me, reflecting the deep meanings in the hearts of Muslims and their pride in their religion.” He also noticed the kind treatment he received, prompting him to ponder why there was such a collective orientation towards religion.
The Beginning with the Quran:
Aldo began searching for a translated copy of the meanings of the Quran. When he found one with a Muslim friend, he borrowed it and began reading it attentively. Aldo says, “I remained engrossed in reading the Quran until the dawn call to prayer, and I heard the muezzin calling for prayer. My eyes welled up with tears, and I couldn’t help but perform ablution and pray as I had seen Muslims do.”
Making the Decision:
Aldo decided to formalize his faith by officially embracing Islam so he could visit the Kaaba and the Prophet’s Mosque. He turned to a Muslim friend for guidance on how to declare his conversion. In the presence of a Sharia judge, he proclaimed his Islam and chose the name “Mohammed Sharif.”
Mohammed Sharif did not stop at his own conversion; he felt a duty to call others to Islam. He says, “I felt that I had a duty to perform, which was to help guide others, especially those whom I had influenced to deepen their Christian faith.” With his perseverance and calm manner of dialogue, he managed to convince his family and many of his relatives that Islam is the true religion.
Challenges and Activities:
Mohammed Sharif faced many challenges but continued his mission. He says, “I was able to guide a fellow priest friend who, after converting to Islam, became one of the most dedicated believers. I also succeeded in guiding my former students, most of whom embraced Islam.”
His Vision for Islamic Preaching:
Mohammed Sharif believes that Islamic preaching still lacks many essential elements, such as the scarcity of literature and publications inviting people to Islam. He also points out the need to adopt tactical methods in preaching, starting with explaining the essence of Islam and clarifying that Jesus (peace be upon him) is a prophet sent by God.
Advice to Wealthy Muslims:
Mohammed Sharif advises, “Wealthy Muslims should take the initiative to print translations of the meanings of the Quran and books that address the essence of Islamic beliefs in different languages.” He emphasises that supporting preaching activities should not be limited to governments and organisations but should also involve the wealthy.
Through these details and dialogues, the journey of Aldo Demeris from a devout Christian pastor to a dedicated Islamic preacher is highlighted, showcasing the power of Islam and its ability to attract hearts seeking the truth.