イエス - メシア - 神の言葉 - 神の霊 2 C

Jesus: The Messiah – Word of God – Spirit of God

By: iERA (Islamic Education and Research Academy)

The book offers a comprehensive exploration of the role and significance of Jesus (Isa) in Islam. This book provides a detailed comparison between Islamic and Christian perspectives on Jesus, addressing common questions and misconceptions.

By delving into the Quran, Hadith, and historical context, the book aims to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of Jesus’ place in Islamic theology.

This resource is invaluable for both Muslims and non-Muslims seeking to understand the Islamic view of Jesus, enhancing interfaith dialogue and knowledge.

Jesus in Islamic Theology

The book begins by establishing the centrality of Jesus (Isa) in Islamic theology. It highlights that Jesus is considered one of the greatest prophets in Islam, revered as the Messiah, and recognized for his miraculous birth to the Virgin Mary (Maryam). The text emphasizes that, according to the Quran, Jesus was neither crucified nor killed but was instead raised up by God.

Comparative Analysis of Jesus in Islam and Christianity

A significant portion of the book is dedicated to a comparative analysis of Jesus in Islam and Christianity. It explores the differences in beliefs about Jesus’ nature, his role, and his mission. While Christianity views Jesus as the Son of God and part of the Holy Trinity, Islam strictly maintains that Jesus is a prophet and servant of God, devoid of any divine status. This section helps readers understand the theological divergences and the common ground shared by both faiths.

Jesus as the Word of God

The concept of Jesus as the “Word of God” is thoroughly examined. In Islam, Jesus is referred to as “Kalimatullah” (Word of God) due to his miraculous birth by God’s command. The book explains this title, comparing it to the Christian doctrine of the Logos, and clarifies the Islamic interpretation that sees this as a testament to God’s power rather than Jesus’ divinity.

Jesus as the Spirit of God

Another key aspect explored is Jesus as the “Spirit of God.” The book discusses how this title signifies the special creation of Jesus by God’s command and the unique attributes granted to him. It emphasizes that this does not imply divinity but rather a special status among prophets.

Prophecies and Miracles

The book delves into the prophecies and miracles associated with Jesus in Islamic texts. It recounts his miracles, such as healing the sick and raising the dead, performed by the permission of God. Additionally, it covers prophecies regarding Jesus’ second coming, which is a significant belief in Islamic eschatology.

Promoting Interfaith Understanding

Throughout the book, there is a strong emphasis on promoting interfaith understanding and respect. It encourages dialogue between Muslims and Christians, advocating for a respectful exchange of beliefs and ideas. The book aims to dispel misconceptions and build bridges between the two faith communities.


Jesus: The Messiah – Word of God – Spirit of God by iERA is a vital resource that demystifies the Islamic perspective on Jesus, providing thorough explanations and comparisons with Christian beliefs. It addresses common questions and misconceptions, promoting a deeper understanding of Jesus’ role in Islam. This book is essential for anyone interested in interfaith dialogue and seeking to enrich their knowledge of Jesus from an Islamic viewpoint, fostering greater respect and cooperation between Muslims and Christians.