
Life here is fraught with risks, sorrows and a constant struggle between good and evil. Our access to pleasures varies as much as we have power (money or influence), but they are temporary and deficient.

The worldly life is designed on this competition and the presence of fun and joy in addition to toil and misery to be a quick test for humans in their ability to follow the rules of their Creator, to lead us to another endless life, in which bliss will be won by those who have no means of influence and wealth, but those who have sincere faith in Allah (God; the creator of this vast universe) and have done good deeds as sincerity of their faith in Allah Almighty.

The vision is that the last Prophet, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him and all the prophets), came to teach us the reality of life here. We do not compete and struggle for it for temporary gains but rather take from it as much as we need and get busy to lead us to eternal life in the paradise of the immortal.

Allah Almighty has told us in His Holy Book that the reality of the afterlife is divided into a home of bliss for believers and another home of hell for disbelievers and polytheists after a comprehensive and fair account (reckoning). Rather, the Almighty forgives whoever he wants and enters into his mercy. The Almighty said in The Holy Quran:

“Then We gave the Scripture as a heritage to those of Our servants whom We selected: so of them is one who is unjust to himself, and one who follows a middle course, and one who is a forerunner in good deeds—by Allah’s leave. That is what the great grace is.

{Gardens of Eden (everlasting) which they enter; they are adorned therein with gold bracelets and pearls, and their garments are of silk. And they said, “All praise be to Allah Who has lifted all sorrow from us; our Lord is most surely Oft-Forgiving, Ever Thankful (to recompense our good deeds).”

He Who settled us in the Home of Everlasting Stay, by His grace, where neither toil touches us, nor fatigue afflicts us.

And those who have denied (in the Oneness of Allah – Islamic Monotheism) for them is the fire of Hell wherein they are never finished off and thus die, nor is its punishment lightened for them. Thus, We repay every staunch denier.

And they scream aloud therein, “Our Lord, get us out, that we may act righteously, unlike how we used to act.” “Did We not give you a life enough to take warning if you were going to? And the warner did come to you, so taste, for there is no supporter for the unjust.

Indeed, Allah is the Knower of the hidden realm of the heavens and the earth. Indeed, He is All-Knowing what is ˹hidden˺ in the heart.}

(Quran Translation; Surat Fatir, Signs 33:38).

Is it reasonable to keep busy with a temporary life full of troubles and worries about an eternal life full of joy and there is no fatigue, hunger, heat or sorrow?

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