Kenneth L. Jenkins, now known as Abdul Farooq, was a former pastor in the American church. His mission as a pastor was to guide people and lead them out of the darkness they lived in. After embracing Islam, he felt an overwhelming desire to share his experience with this great religion, hoping to spread its light and blessings to those who have yet to know it.
Jenkins grew up in a religious environment, where his grandmother raised him and guided him towards the church. From the age of six, he learned about heaven and hell and the punishment awaiting liars. This fear of God was a significant part of his life. Jenkins recalls, “My grandmother always told me that liars would go to hell forever. I believed every word she said and lived in constant fear of punishment.” He was terrified of signs of the end of the world and would wake up in fear at the sound of trains, thinking Judgment Day had come. He says, “When the moon turned red, I thought the end was near, and I would cry bitterly.”
At sixteen, Jenkins began attending a new small church with his friend, his friend’s father, and a group of peers. After graduating from high school and enrolling in college, he became active in the religious field and was baptized. Due to his extensive study of the Bible and his intense religious work, he quickly became well-known and admired. Jenkins says, “I thought I was on the right path to salvation and felt proud when people praised my extensive knowledge of the Bible.”
Busca da verdade:
Despite his success in the church, many questions troubled him. He questioned the nature of Jesus Christ and how he could be God. He tried to understand the Trinity but could not reach a satisfactory conclusion. He rejected the immodest behaviors he saw among people in the church and believed that women should cover their bodies entirely. He says, “I could not accept the idea that Jesus Christ was God. How could a god be crucified and humiliated in such a way?”
Period of Doubt:
Jenkins began doubting the religion he was raised in and started searching for something greater. He got an opportunity to work in Saudi Arabia, where he noticed the significant difference in the lifestyle of Muslims. He marveled at the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and began reading the Quran and Islamic books. He asked many questions and always found convincing answers. He says, “I found in Islam answers that I did not find in Christianity. There was logic and order in Islam that strongly attracted me.”
The Vision:
During his stay in Saudi Arabia, Jenkins watched a video of a debate between Sheikh Ahmed Deedat and Jimmy Swaggart on the topic “Is the Bible the Word of God?” He says, “That debate was a turning point in my life. For the first time, I felt that there might be another religion that is the truth.” After watching the debate, Jenkins immediately declared his conversion to Islam. He went to Sheikh Abdulaziz bin Baz’s office to pronounce the Shahada and accept Islam. He says, “I felt like I was born anew. It was as if I finally found the path I had been searching for all my life.”
Return to the United States:
Upon returning to the United States, Jenkins faced severe criticism from his church colleagues and superiors. They called him a traitor and morally corrupt, but he did not care about what they said. He was delighted with the blessing of Islam that God had granted him, and he decided to dedicate his life to serving this religion. He says, “I knew I would face difficulties, but I was ready to endure them. I was confident that I was on the right path.”
New Life:
Now known as Abdul Farooq, Jenkins began learning about the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his hadiths. He realized that his experience in Christianity would be beneficial in his call to Islam. His life changed completely, and he understood that this life is a preparation for the hereafter. He says, “I realized that Islam is not just a religion, but a way of life. I learned that every good deed we do in this world is rewarded in the hereafter.”
In his final message, Jenkins urged everyone to consider Islam as a solution to all their problems. He also expressed his gratitude to everyone who helped him on his journey to Islam and prayed to God to benefit many people through his efforts. He says, “I am grateful to everyone who helped me on my journey to Islam. I believe that Islam is the solution to all of humanity’s problems, and I invite everyone to consider this great religion.”
This American pastor who embraced Islam and became a preacher embodies the Quranic verse: “You will surely find the most intense of the people in animosity toward the believers [to be] the Jews and those who associate others with Allah; and you will find the nearest of them in affection to the believers those who say, ‘We are Christians.’ That is because among them are priests and monks and because they are not arrogant. And when they hear what has been revealed to the Messenger, you see their eyes overflowing with tears because of what they have recognized of the truth. They say, ‘Our Lord, we have believed, so register us among the witnesses.'” (Surah Al-Ma’idah 5:82-83, King Fahd Complex Translation).