Marco Corbus, now known as Ahmed Abdullah Corbus (Kurbis), grew up in a mixed religious environment. Ahmed says, “During my childhood, I was partially raised as a Catholic. My grandfather and aunt were spiritual healers who worshipped idols and spirits. I witnessed many sick people coming to them for healing and how they recovered. So, I followed what they believed in.”
Em busca da verdade:
At the age of seventeen, Ahmed began to feel religiously lost. He says, “I noticed that there were many religions, each claiming to be the true faith. I wondered, ‘Should I stay in my family’s religion, or should I listen to other religions?'”
One day, his cousin invited him to attend a Thursday Mass at the church. “I saw how they sang, clapped, danced, and cried, raising their hands in prayer to Jesus (peace be upon him). I was moved and became a born-again Christian,” Ahmed adds.
Life as a Pastor:
After five years, a monk convinced him to work in the clergy as a volunteer. Ahmed says, “I became the main cantor, then the prayer leader, then a Sunday school teacher, and finally an ordained priest in the church.” His work was under the Free Evangelical Rural Mission.
He read the Bible twice from cover to cover and memorised parts and verses to defend the faith. Ahmed says, “I was proud of myself for the position I had achieved and told myself I didn’t need any teachings or scriptures other than the Bible. But there was a spiritual void inside me.”
Doubts and Beginning of Search:
Despite his dedication, Ahmed did not feel true happiness. “I prayed, fasted, and worked hard to fulfil God’s will, but I only found happiness when I was in church. However, this feeling of happiness was not lasting,” says Ahmed. He also noticed that some of his fellow monks were materialistic, indulging in physical desires and corruption.
Travelling to Saudi Arabia:
Ahmed thought about travelling abroad not only for work but also to spread the name of Jesus as a god. He says, “My plan was to go to Taiwan or Korea. But God’s will led me to obtain a work visa in Saudi Arabia.” He signed a three-year contract to work in Jeddah.
Reunião com muçulmanos:
A week after arriving in Jeddah, Ahmed noticed the different lifestyle. He says, “Fortunately, I had a Filipino colleague at the factory who was a Muslim and spoke Arabic.
Despite my nervousness, I tried asking him about Muslims and their beliefs.” Ahmed thought Muslims worshipped the devil, pharaohs, and Muhammad (peace be upon him) as their gods. The Muslim colleague talked to him about Islam and gave him two verses from the Quran:
“This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favour upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion.” (Al-Ma’idah: 3, King Fahd Complex Translation), and “You worship not besides Him except [mere] names you have named them, you and your forefathers, for which Allah has sent down no authority. Legislation is not but for Allah. He has commanded that you worship not except Him. That is the correct religion, but most of the people do not know.” (Yusuf: 40, King Fahd Complex Translation).
Opening up to Islam:
These verses were shocking for Ahmed. He says, “I started noticing my Muslim colleague’s life. We talked every day about our religions, and we became close friends.” On one occasion, Ahmed went with his colleague to the commercial area in Jeddah, where he saw a crowd watching a video of a debate between Ahmed Deedat and Jimmy Swaggart. “My colleague told me that Ahmed Deedat is a famous Islamic preacher. Although our monks back home made us believe he was just a ‘great missionary,’ I discovered he was a Muslim preacher,” says Ahmed.
Conviction and Hesitation:
Ahmed bought the video tapes and some books about Islam. He says, “I was convinced, but my pride kept me away from Islam.” After seven months, another friend gave him a copy of the English translation of the Quran and led him to the Islamic centre. “On that blessed night, April 18, 1998, I finally embraced Islam and declared my faith by reciting the Shahada. Allahu Akbar!” says Ahmed.
Vida após o Islã:
Ahmed followed a religion he saw as the absolute truth, believing Islam is the best and most complete way of life. He says, “I pray that Allah forgives us for our ignorance about Islam and guides us to His straight path that leads to Paradise. Ameen.”
Influential Dialogues (Diálogos influentes):
In one of the influential dialogues with his Muslim friend: Ahmed: “Why do you believe Islam is the true religion?” Muslim Friend: “Because Islam answers all my questions and gives meaning to my life. When I read the Quran and reflect on its meanings, I feel inner peace and satisfaction.”
In another dialogue with the priest who came to discuss with him after he declared his Islam: Sacerdote: “How can you leave your religion and embrace Islam?” Ahmed: “Because I found the truth in Islam. The Bible is full of contradictions, and I couldn’t find satisfactory answers to my questions. Islam answered all my questions and gave me the peace I was searching for.”
Challenges and Overcoming Them:
Ahmed faced many challenges after his conversion, but he overcame them with his steadfast faith. “There were many challenges, but Allah guided me and directed me. I now live in peace and tranquillity in my new faith,” says Ahmed.
With these details and dialogues, Ahmed Corbus’s story becomes more impactful and lively, helping the reader understand the depth of his transformation and his discovery of Islam.