
Despite humans living their childhood surrounded by their parents, siblings, and peers, once a person reaches adulthood, they find a new need to share life with the opposite sex, find Sakinah (tranquillity) and satisfy their physical desires.

The need for marriage is not a human invention but rather a part of Allah’s (God’s) miraculous creation. He made us need a spouse to fulfil our emotional and psychological needs. That is not limited to humans but applies to all creatures. As Allah Said:

“And of everything We have created pairs, so perhaps you would be mindful (the Grace of Allah).”

(Quran Translation; Surat Adh-Dhariyat, Sign 49).

Thus, Allah (The Ultimate God) has blessed His creation with the institution of marriage and the need for each gender to complement the other. That is common among all humans, regardless of race or religion. Allah Almighty said:

“And one of His signs is that He created for you spouses from among yourselves so that you may find repose in them. And He has placed between you compassion and mercy. Indeed, these are signs for people who reflect.”

(Quran Translation; Surat Ar-Rum, Sign 21).

Marriage is the Sunnah (way) of the prophets, and Islam encourages those capable and willing to marry and establish families, which form the basis of societies.

Have you ever reflected on the institution of marriage and building a family as part of the blessings bestowed upon you by the Creator? If you want to learn more about the blessings that Islam speaks of and the evidence of the oneness of Allah (God and Master), we invite you to be our guest in a dialogue of Rahma (mercy).

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