Д-р Вади Ахмед, бывший дьякон православной церкви, обращенный Аллахом в ислам и умерший как мусульманин. Да одарит его Аллах обильной милостью.
The Legislative Miracles in Surah At-Talaq
Surah At-Talaq, a chapter of only two pages, contains rulings and admonitions to preserve the rights of Muslim men and women. This Surah requires a large book to fully explain its contents, as it addresses matters related to divorce, an issue that no book on earth, before or after Islam, has tackled in such detail. Let’s summarise:
- The command to account for the waiting period (‘iddah) of a divorced woman.
- She has the right to housing until her ‘iddah ends, unless she commits a clear immorality, in which case she leaves.
- At the end of the ‘iddah: reconciliation or separation with kindness.
- The command to have two just Muslim witnesses for this.
- The command to fear Allah in these matters, and the outcomes are relief in times of distress and abundance in sustenance.
- Emphasis on reliance on Allah, with the consequence that Allah will be sufficient for the person.
- Teaching us that destiny is written by Allah in everything, and His command will be fulfilled.
- The waiting period for women who have ceased menstruation and those who have not menstruated is three months.
- The ‘iddah of pregnant women ends when they deliver.
- Repeated emphasis on fearing Allah in all matters, with the reward being ease in everything.
- The third reminder to fear Allah, with the reward being expiation of sins and a great reward, limitless.
- Allah commands that the divorced woman stays with her husband until her ‘iddah ends, meaning he supports her.
- The command not to oppress or harm them.
- The man supports his pregnant ex-wife until she gives birth.
- The breastfeeding woman receives compensation for breastfeeding (to strengthen her for the task).
- If they disagree about breastfeeding, the father hires a wet nurse.
- Generosity to the divorced woman according to the husband’s wealth.
- If his sustenance is limited, Allah only burdens him with what he can afford and promises ease if he obeys Allah.
- Warning against disobeying Allah’s commands, with the punishment being torment in the Fire, and in this world, there is punishment and loss.
- Re-emphasis on the necessity of fearing Allah and adhering to the teachings of the Prophet (peace be upon him) so that Allah may lead them out of darkness into light.
- The reward for faith and good deeds is eternal paradise.
- Emphasis on Allah’s complete power over everything and His encompassing knowledge of everything, for He is the Creator of the seven heavens and the seven earths, and His command is executed in them.
I know that all Christian countries have taken many of the Quranic rulings and placed them in their secular laws, as they have no divine legislation. No human mind can surpass what is in the Quran.
Allah has challenged them in various verses to produce the like of the Quran, ten chapters, or even one chapter. He informed them that they would fail in this challenge and commanded them, upon failing, to believe that the Quran is the truth and they are false, or they would be the inhabitants of Hell forever. Do they not understand, repent, and believe?
This is a small chapter from 114 chapters, all filled with eternal miracles in all matters. You will find many Quranic miracles in my book “I Read the Quran and Knew Faith”. Praise be to Allah for the blessing of the Quran, the miraculous, perfect, eternal book that does not change a single letter. O Allah, bless our Prophet Muhammad and his wives and companions.