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Do Christians Truly Follow Jesus’s Teachings?

Allah tarafından İslam'a hidayet edilen ve Müslüman olarak ölen Ortodoks Kilisesi eski diyakozlarından Dr. Wadi' Ahmed tarafından yazılmıştır. Allah kendisine bol rahmet versin.

The Gospel states that Jesus Christ said to his disciples in the Gospel of Matthew 18:20: “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”

However, anyone who reads the history of the church councils that established modern Christian doctrines will find it impossible to believe that Christ was present in any of them. They never united in any of their councils; instead, they resorted to violence, cursing, excommunication, exile, and book burning.

This led to the formation of sects that reject each other. They do not pray together, do not intermarry, and do not bury their dead together, each sect believing it alone holds the truth.

So, is the Gospel accurate, or do their actions expose them as not being true followers of Christ? Praise be to Allah for the blessing of Islam.

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