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Allah tarafından İslam'a hidayet edilen ve Müslüman olarak ölen Ortodoks Kilisesi eski diyakozlarından Dr. Wadi' Ahmed'in anılarından. Allah ona bol rahmet versin.

I am experiencing beautiful days and spiritual states that I never experienced during my life in Christianity. These spiritual and devotional atmospheres in Islam have no parallel, not even for a single day, in any other religion.

A full month of fasting, 16 hours daily, and long hours of prayers and night worship. Thirty days of uninterrupted Quran reading, day and night. Generously giving money to the needy. Feeding fasting people, family, friends, and others in mosques. And all of this is for Allah alone, with no partner.

If Christians knew the taste of these beautiful acts of worship, they would embrace Islam as I and others have. This is proof that we follow the religion of Allah, the only true religion on earth.

Praise be to Allah for the blessing of Islam; it is sufficient as a blessing. Only those who were deprived of it before, like me, truly know its value.”

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