From the memoirs of Dr. Wadi’ Ahmed Fathi, may Allah have mercy on him, he wrote:
- We knew the Christian religion and its errors, so we left it and realised that Islam is the truth, so we embraced it. We invite Christians to think and reason.
- We understood Christ’s teachings and did not find them in Christian worship and doctrine. We realised that Islam aligns with Christ’s teachings, so we embraced Islam to follow Christ.
- We practised Christian worship and found it irrational. When we learned about Islamic worship, we found it reasonable and in harmony with the mind and nature, so we loved it and embraced Islam.
- We willingly left Christianity for Islam, and we willingly refuse to return to Christianity because we are now in a blessing that cannot be matched.
- The church continues to offer us money, temptations, and threats to leave Islam, while we did not enter Islam through temptation, money, or threats.
- In Christianity, we were slaves to priests who controlled us with irrational teachings and demanded mandatory confession of every detail of our lives to know our secrets and inner thoughts. We knew no god but them. Now in Islam, we have the freedom to worship one God without any intermediaries.
- In Christianity, we were under the control of the dead, waiting for forgiveness, seeking approval, sustenance, help, and healing from dead saints. We were actual slaves to priests and saints, trying to please them in every way. Islam liberated us from all that.
- In Christianity, we ate the god and drank his blood to unite with him and become part of him in a pagan and disgusting doctrine. We left that to Islam, where we worship a God who feeds us, gives us drink, provides for us, and controls everything.
- In Christianity, we were sects excommunicating each other, with the churches of other sects being forbidden to us and marriage with them being prohibited. We believed they were all destined for hell according to their patriarchs. In Islam, we found religious unity despite real differences in schools of thought, without excommunication or prohibition. It is a religion of reason.
- In Christianity, we worshipped a weak, humiliated lamb in a human body: “They will wage war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings—and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.” We ascended to Islam to worship a mighty, capable, omnipotent Creator, incomparable, who is the All-Hearing, All-Seeing, and has power over everything.
Praise be to Allah for the blessing of Islam, and sufficient is it as a blessing.